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Legal Notice

In accordance with current legislation (Law 34/2002 of 11 July, services of information society and electronic commerce, and the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data and the rules concordant, this legal notice are intended to fulfill the duty of general information and to develop conditions of use and access to the user of this website.

On this legal notice

This legal notice regulates the general conditions of use and web services The mere use of this site implies the condition of user of this website implies full acceptance and without reservations of any and all of the provisions in this Legal Notice as published and updated by FINQUESMARAZUL at the time of user access.

Correct use of the website

This website is solely for personal users. You agree not to use this website for any illegal or prohibited.

You agree to use the Service only for your personal, non-profit. You also agree to inform FINQUESMARAZUL a timely manner, if you notice unauthorized use or appropriate third party service or violations of copyright, trademarks and other rights that the service could be infringing or vice versa.

Industrial Property

Prohibited reproduction, processing, distribution, public communication, making available to the public in general. Any other kind of use of part or all of the contents of this website for commercial purposes. Such use may only be made under authorization of FINQUESMARAZUL. Only entitled to reproduction (print or download) for private use of the content provided on the website.

Do not allow the use of distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names), unless authorized by the rightful owners.

FINQUESMARAZUL unless authorized, may not be the link to "end pages", the "frame" and other similar manipulations. Links should be provided to the page

FINQUESMARAZUL reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate on the website may change, delete or add content and services it provides and the way they are presented or located.


In general, users should make appropriate use of the website, according to the above terms and conditions, none of which may have FINQUESMARAZUL responsibility for misuse.

FINQUESMARAZUL not be liable in any way for changes in service which are caused by faults in the electrical network, network connection data on the server or any other services.

FINQUESMARAZUL not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could damage or alter the computer system. So INFOCAMBRILS not responsible for any damages that these elements may cause to users or third parties.